ANSWER: A Healing Spring!


The miraculous spring still exists in Lourdes, France. Thousands of miraculous cures have occurred there. But the first Church-approved miracle there was Catherine Latapie, whose paralyzed arm was healed on March 1, 1858. The Blessed Mother appeared to young St. Bernadette

A few things Mary told St. Bernadette:

  1. Mary wanted a chapel built on location.

  2. Bernadette needed to pray and do penance for the conversion of sinners

  3. Mary introduced herself as the “Immaculate Conception” (which meant Mary herself was conceived in the womb of Anne without sin). The young and no-so-bright Bernadette had never heard this term. The term had just recently been introduced at theological Church meetings, which had been called to define the sinless status of Mary. Bernadette repeated the strange phrase the whole way home so she would not forget it.

4. Mary could not promise Bernadette happiness in this life; only the next


Bernadette was seen going into ecstasy during an apparition. Her face was transfigured. The flame of a candle was seen touching her skin, but had no affect during this time.


St. Bernadette’s Incorruptible Body

Lourdes and St. Bernadette

St. Bernadette Soubirous

Body of St. Bernadette Subirous

The Lourdes Apparitions

St. Bernadette the Visionary
