In the movie, “The Passion,” what are the initials of the actor who plays Jesus?

a.      J.J.

b.      J.C.

c.       B.J.



THE ANSWER IS……B. The actor is Jim Caviezel. Mel Gibson purposely sought out an actor who had the same initials as Jesus Christ and who was 33 years old (same age of Jesus when he died for us).


Jim Caviezel is a devout Catholic who attends daily Mass and frequent Confession. He also fasts regularly and prays frequent rosaries. He is known for refusing to shoot a nude sex scene with Ashley Judd, who played his wife in “High Crimes” (2002), and has turned down other roles that he felt conflicted with Christianity.


More Stuff on Jim Caviezel

http://www.catholiceducation.org/articles/arts/al0198.html (How the Passion Changed Him)


http://imdb.com/name/nm0001029/ (Caviezel’s Resume)

http://www.cin.org/archives/cet/200212/0118.html (background)





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